We appreciate your inquiry, a member from our team will reach out to you shortly.
Please try again later.
The first thing that any iOS app needs to to when building with Vinli is install the SDK, and then set up OAuth… so that your app can actually access a Vinli user’s data. Thankfully, this is super easy… so just sit back, open up Xcode, and follow along as we walk you through the process.
If you want a working example, check out this github repo.
The Vinli SDK is easily deployed through CocoaPods. cd into your project directory and run pod init
to create a podfile. If you already have a file, you can skip pod init
Open the pod file in a text editor and add pod VinliNet
. The result should look something like…
target 'Vinli-Auth-Example' do
pod 'VinliNet'
target 'Vinli-Auth-ExampleTests' do
target 'Vinli-Auth-ExampleUITests' do
Now go back to your terminal and run pod install
and wait for the Pod intallation to complete.
Make sure to close out of your Xcode project. Once the pod installs, a new Project.xcworkspace file will appear in your directory. Open that bad boy up in Xcode.
Congrats! You’ve installed the Vinli SDK!
Before we build any flashy, cool features, we first need to ask the user if it’s okay for our app to access their Vinli data. We use the industry standard OAuth2 Protocol and bake Authentication into the SDK so you don’t have to worry about it.
Login to the developer portal and create a Client for your app. Make sure it’s an iOS client (duh) and enter in a redirect URI. The redirect URI can be whatever you want as long as it follows the http://something.something
Let’s start with the header file that corresponds with your ViewController. First, we’ll add #import <VinliSDK.h>
Also, we’ll add @property (strong, nonatomic) VLService \*vlService;
Now let’s head over to the View Controller that’s handling Vinli Login. Add this to the viewWillAppear
- (void) viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated{
[super viewWillAppear:animated];
// If we are already logged in, we can create a VLService and continue with the app.
if([VLSessionManager loggedIn]){
_vlService = [[VLService alloc] initWithSession:[VLSessionManager currentSession]];
} else {
[self loginWithVinli];
is looking to see if the user is already logged in with Vinli, if they are… yay! If not, we call loginWithVinli
(which we’ll add now).
- (void) loginWithVinli{
// Clear cookies before calling loginWithClientId
[self clearCookies];
// This will launch the Vinli login flow.
[VLSessionManager loginWithClientId:@"CLIENT_ID" // Get your app client id at dev.vin.li
redirectUri:@"REDIRECT_URI" // Get your app redirect uri at dev.vin.li
completion:^(VLSession * _Nullable session, NSError * _Nullable error) { // Called if the user successfully logs in, or if there is an error
NSLog(@"Logged in successfully");
NSLog(@"Error logging in: %@", [error localizedDescription]);
} onCancel:^{ // Called if the user presses the 'Cancel' button
NSLog(@"Canceled login");
Make sure to replace CLIENT_ID
with your own.
To clear cookies, add this:
- (void) clearCookies{
[[NSURLCache sharedURLCache] removeAllCachedResponses];
for (NSHTTPCookie *cookie in [[NSHTTPCookieStorage sharedHTTPCookieStorage] cookies]) {
[[NSHTTPCookieStorage sharedHTTPCookieStorage] deleteCookie:cookie];
Lastly, to log out of Vinli just call something like this:
- (void) logOutWithVinli{
[VLSessionManager logOut];
You should be good to go! Now, all you need is a My Vinli account to try it out with. REMEMBER your Vinli developer credentials are NOT the same as My Vinli consumer credentials. No worries though, just head over to my.vin.li to spin up an account.
Once you have your My Vinli credentials, give it a try!